Day 2 - Mathematical Background
Posted on May 30, 2017
by Govind Gopakumar
- Pre-Course survey
- Programming assignments
- Project ideas and partners
- Installation of Jupyter / IPython notebook
- Webpage -
Machine Learning
- Trends in data
- Using the right model, and reasonable loss functions
- Transforming the problem according to simplicity
Divisions in Machine Learning
- Unsupervised learning : goal is to discover patterns in data
- Supervised learning : goal is to predict some aspect using data
Dealing with data :
- X : Data matrix (NxD)
- Y : Label matrix (Nx1)
- w : Model parameters
- L(X,Y,w) : Loss of model w on X,Y
Dealing with model:
- \(\lambda\) : Hyper parameters of a model
- \(w^*\) : Optimal model (may or may not be unique)
Mathematics in Machine Learning
How do we describe and manipulate data?
Use a matrix!
How do we “model” something?
Use a vector, or a function!
How do we analytically solve models?
Use Linear Algebra!
How do we mathematically “learn”?
Use Calculus, Linear Algebra!
- Event : Some occurence that is desirable
- Sample space : All possible events
- \(P(a) = \frac{\|a\|}{\|a\| + \|a'\|}\)
- \(\prod{p(a_i)}\) - probability of multiple events
- Can also model likelihood of event
- Naturally leads to MLE (general technique, to be covered later)
Random Variables
What are they?
- Map between events and some value
- Represented as a probability density function
- Discrete, continuous
How do we use them?
- Describe p(a) for a random variable
- Examples include normal, beta, poisson
- Integrate to 1
Distributions - I
- Gaussian : Model any real number distribution
- Beta : Model number between [0,1]
- Dirichlet : Model a vector that sums to 1
- Bernoulli : Model number of heads in a coin toss
- Poisson : Model counts of a variable
These can be combined together (joint, marginal)
Distributions - II
Gaussian distribution :
- \(p(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi \sigma^2}} e^{\frac{-1}{2\sigma^2} (x-\mu)^2}\)
- \(\mu\) : Mean of the distribution
- \(\sigma^2\) : Variance of the distribution
Multivariate Gaussian :
- \(p(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi^k |\Sigma|}} e^{\frac{-1}{2}(x-\mu)^T\Sigma^{-1}(x-\mu)}\)
- \(\mu\) : Mean vector
- \(\Sigma\) : Covariance matrix
Distributions - III
Multiple variables :
- Define a “joint” distribution
- Denote by p(v,u)
- Is this the same as p(u)*p(v)? When is it not?
Examples in terms of Gaussians :
- Consider two variables, \(v \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_v, \sigma_v)\), \(u \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_u, \sigma_u)\)
- How does the joint distribution look?
- What if they were drawn from a 2D Gaussian?
- When does the second case reduce to the first?
Bayes theorem - I
Invert the event!
- Reverse the probability of events
- \(P(a | b) = \frac{P(b|a)P(a)}{P(b)}\)
Terms in this expression
- \(P(a|b)\) - called the posterior
- \(P(b|a)\) - called the likelihood
- \(P(a)\) - called the prior
Bayes theorem - II
- B : Color of the ball
- A : Selection of box
- \(B_1(1, 1, 1), B_2(2, 0, 0), B_3(0, 0, 1)\)
- All boxes are equally likely
Inverting the event
- P(b | a) : Probability that color was b given box is a.
- P(a | b) : Probability that box was a given color is b.
- How do we use Bayes theorem here?
Statistics of a sample - I
Mean of sample
- \(\mathbb{E}[X]\) - “average” of the distribution
- When can it be useless?
- When can it work as a representation?
Variances and covariances
- \(\sigma^2\) - “spread” of the distribution
- Can be used to “normalize” data
- Can be used to see where data is useless
Generally, we do not come across other “moments” of the data in Machine Learning (skew, kurtosis etc).
Statistics of a sample - II
Of standard distributions
- Gaussian : \(\Sigma\)
- Bernoulli : \(p(1-p)\)
Of a sample
- Defined as “empirical” quantities
- Mean : \(\mu\)
- Variance / Covariance
- Used in “moment matching” techniques
Linear Algebra
Constituents :
- Vectors (v,u,w)
- Dot products
- Norms
Utility :
- Our data “lives” in some space
- Our model describes “shapes” in that space
- Must deal with math of this space!
Matrix Algebra
- Matrix (NxD) : Can denote a set of points
- Vector (1xD) : Denotes a single point
- Usually denotes our data
- Invertibility : \(AA^{-1} = I\)
- Definiteness : PD / PSD
Other terms
- \(Av = \lambda v\) : \(\lambda\) is an “eigenvalue”
- Denotes a direction in the space of the matrix
Measures of vectors
- \(\|x\|_p\) - denotes the p-norm
- Different norms have different interpretations
- Similarities (cos, distance)
Functions and Optimization
Function shapes
- Convex (and concave) functions have single optima
- Easy to optimize over
- Follow the slope method
- Closed under summation (this is very very nice and important!)
Smoothness and differentiability
- If a function is “smooth”, it will be easy to find the slope.
- If it has kinks, slightly harder to find actual gradients!
- If it is discontinuous, no real way to find gradients!
Optimization theory
Basics :
- Gradient descent : how to follow the slope
- Simple gradients for simple loss functions
- Combine gradients for sum of functions
Examples of gradients :
- \((w-x)^2\) : \(2(w-x)\)
- \(e^{-w}\) : \(-e^{-w}\)
Example of gradient descent
- For simple functions, easy to compute gradients
- General form of GD : \(x^{t+1} = x^t - \eta g^t\)
- Consider : \(f(x) = (x+c)^2\)
- Gradient : \(g(x) = 2(x+c)\)
Let’s do gradient descent on this!
Probabilistic modelling
Coin tossing : model
- What do we wish to model? : bias of coin (k)
- What data do we have? : H heads, T tails observed
MLE modelling
- p(H heads, T tails)?
- What can we do with this now?
- “Likelihood” can be our loss!
- What is the optimal choice here?
- Why could this fail?
- How to write down probability of events
- What the mean and variance tell us about a random quantity
- Why matrices are used in Machine Learning, how we manipulate them
- What sort of loss functions should we consider? How do we actually use them?
- Review lecture in CS771, IIT Kanpur
- Linear Algebra Overview
- Probability Overview
- Matrix Algebra Overview
Next Lecture overview
Our first classifier
Naive method of doing classification?
- Choose points which are nearby?
- Choose cluster which is nearby?
Formal “names”
- K-nearest Neighbors
- Distance from means
Distance from means - I
Overview of model
- Compute center of each class / label
- Assign the new point to closest mean
- What does “training” mean now?
- What does “testing” mean now?
Drawbacks and strengths?
- Storage?
- Time taken?
- When can this be a bad method?
- When can this be good?
Distance from means - II
Coming up with our “decision function”
- \(\mu_+\) : positive mean
- \(\mu_-\) : negative mean
- \(f(x^{new}) = d(x^{new}, \mu_-) - d(x^{new}, \mu_+)\)
Geometry of the decision function
- What does the boundary look like for this?
- What can it learn? What can’t it learn?
Distance from means - III
As similarity to training data
- \(\|x^{new} - \mu_- \|^2 - \|x^{new} - \mu_+ \|^2\)
- \(\langle \mu_+ - \mu_-, x^{new} \rangle + C\)
- Can be simplified into : \(f(x^{new}) = \sum \alpha_i \langle x_i, x^{new} \rangle + B\)
What does this mean?
Overview of model
- Assign each point the class / value of its neighbor
- “K” - how many neighbors you account for
- What does “training” mean here?
- What would “testing” mean?
Drawbacks and strenghts?
- Storage?
- Time taken
- When can this be good or bad?
Geometry of the decision function
- What sort of boundary does this generate?
- How powerful can this be?
- The “distance” can always be measured in other forms!
Things to consider for this model
- What happens if we have outliers?
- Where could this be an issue?
What is the optimal K?
- What happens if we increase K?
- Consider limit of K -> N?
- What’s the best choice then?
Extensions to KNN
- Can this be extended in the regression / labelling setting?
- Transformation of coordinates - How does that affect KNN?