Day 6 - Unsupervised Learning
Posted on June 5, 2017
by Govind Gopakumar
- Project Groups : Code should be up and running, you should have some idea of what your project is and what the end goals are.
- Quiz 1 is up : Auto graded, feedback. Ask if you have doubts
- Programming assignment 1 is up : Gradient descent
Story so far
Supervised Learning
- KNN, Distance from means
- Decision Trees, Random Forests
- Logistic Regression, Perceptron
- Linear Regression
- Gradient Descent
- Formulating a loss function
- Using “maximum probability” to obtain results
Clustering - I
Why do we need it?
- Discover patterns or “clusters”
- Preprocessing step for classification
- Allow us to learn “generative” models
What’s the easiest way to do it?
- Group objects together
- But how?
Clustering - II
Model overview
- K-Means clustering : defined by k points
- Each data point is assigned closest mean
- K is sort of a hyper parameter, not to be learnt!
Training the model
- How do we find the means?
- How do we do assignment?
- What are the parameters to be learnt?
Clustering - III
Model parameters
- Known : Location of data
- Unknown : Cluster assignments, cluster means
How to find both?
- Knowing cluster means let us find cluster assignments
- Knowing cluster assignments : does it help the other way around?
Clustering - IV
Alternating optimization
- Two different unknown parameters : \(\mu, z\)
- Idea from matrix factorization.
Finding the parameters
- How do we do alternating optimization here?
- What are the guesses?
- What does it say about our “loss function”?
Clustering - V
Estimating the cluster IDs
- Iterate over all the means
- Assign cluster ID as the closest mean
Estimating the cluster means
- Collect points belonging to specific cluster
- Compute mean of that cluster
Clustering - VI
Geometry of the model
- Decision surface?
- What sort of clusters does it learn?
- When will it do badly?
Uniqueness of clustering
- What does final cluster depend on?
- Will it always learn good clustering?
- What’s an example where it will fail?
- Outliers?
Clustering - VII
Comments about K-Means
- Makes hard assignments
- Size of clusters matters!
- Can work with transformations as well!
- Non-convexity of the “loss” function!
- Iterative solution
- Will have to work with better notions of “distance”!
- How do we choose k?
Smarter Clustering
Gaussian Mixture Models - I
Why should we improve our clustering?
- Hard assignment
- Logistic Regression vs other methods!
- Probabilistic interpretation
Generative modelling
- Model how the data was generated!
- Can be used to give new data!
- Preprocessing step for supervised learning?
Gaussian Mixture Models - II
Review of the Gaussian distribution
- p(X) : Reflects how probable a point is
- Density decreases as distance from mean increases
- Variance reflects spread
Estimation of a Gaussian
- Given : A bunch of data points
- What is the most likely Gaussian?
- How do we find it?
Gaussian Mixture Models - III
Modelling assumptions
- Assume each point is “generated” from a Gaussian
- How many Gaussians?
- Where are they?
Model overview
- What are the unknowns in the setting?
- How do we find them?
Gaussian Mixture Models - IV
Alternating optimization?
- Find cluster ID’s in a probabilistic sense
- Find clusters also in the same fashion!
What are the parameters then?
- \(\mu\) for each Gaussian
- \(\Sigma\) for each Gaussian
- Can we make intelligent choices here?
Concluding Remarks
- How to cluster points for unsupervised learning
- How to do alternating optimization (2nd such example)
- Generative modelling and Gaussian Mixture models
- Assignment 1, Quiz 1 up.
- (Hopefully programming tutorials also up)