Day 4 - Supervised Learning - Linear Regression
Posted on June 1, 2017
by Govind Gopakumar
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Simple models for Classification
- Distance from means : Learns a line
- KNN : Learns any shape, but at high cost
- Decision Tree : Learns rectangles, but can be costly
Visualizing the boundaries
- Captures how powerful our model is
- Represents tradeoff between space/time and accuracy
Ensemble methods : Random Forests - I
Why did we need them?
- Decision trees could be hard to construct
- Structure that decision trees compute was powerful
Brief idea
- “Ensemble” models : Have multiple models
- “Subsampling” data : Don’t give all the models the same data
- “Random” features : Don’t bother with exact IG calculations!
Ensemble methods : Random Forests - II
Model overview
- Set of “trees” - hence the forest
- Set of questions / rules in a hierarchy
- Questions are weaker than earlier
- Each “tree” is given a subset of data
- Extremely fast in testing
- Used in real world : Kinect
- Often the go-to classifier / regressor
How to come up with a loss function
Toy setting : Find closest point
- We are given a set of \(N\) data points
- Our goal : Find the point that is closest to them all.
Casting as an optimization
- What is the appropriate loss function?
- How do we solve this problem?
- Gradient Descent??
What is the end goal?
Supervised learning
- Predict a class / value for new points
- “Train” using lots of old points, their labels
- Learn something meaningful
- Hopefully generalizes!
What’s an easy method to model a trend?
Naive method of doing regression?
- Do KNN again, but choose to do regression!
- Decision Trees for regression?
What other methods exist?
- Simplest method - draw a line!
Our first regressor
Regression as line fitting
Given Input
- N examples : training data
- N values : training labels
What is the objective now?
- Given a new example : Predict what the value will be?
How do we adapt our existing model?
KNN for regression!
- Choose the values of nearby methods and average them.
- Improvement (that works for classification, but not as effective) - use distance to weigh them
Decision Tree for regression?
- How do we choose the split?
- How do we choose the final value to predict?
Regression as line fitting
Model overview
- Draw a line that “fits” through all the given points
- Why a line? Why not arbitrary curves?
Geometry of the problem
- There’s no real decision “boundary”
- What does it look like in higher dimensions?
Linear Regression : via Optimization - I
Very toy example
- Simple 1 D regression
- Data : X (Nx1), Y (Nx1)
- Model : \(y = mx\)
- Geometry of this?
How do we solve the optimization problem?
- Formal objective : minimize \(l(w)\)
- Is there an intuitive guess?
Linear Regression : via Optimization - II
It is possible to solve this analytically!
- Let’s do it without intercept
- Direct technique : Take gradient, set to zero?
- Gradient descent : Why?
With the intercept term?
- Again possible!
- Find in terms of partial derivatives!
Linear Regression : via Optimization - III
Modelling assumption
- \(y = \langle w, x \rangle\)
- Why does this make sense?
Can we set up a loss function now?
- What is a natural loss function?
- How do we optimize this function?
Linear Regression : via Optimization - IV
Final form of the loss function:
- \(l(w) = \sum (y-\langle w, x \rangle)^2\)
- Called the “squared loss”
- Obviously, other losses can be used
How do we optimize this?
- Gradient descent!
- Can we get away with a direct step?
Linear Regression : via Optimization - V
Multidimensional setting
- The same thing : \((y-\langle w, x \rangle)^2\)
- Can be solved analytically!
How do we solve this?
- \(\frac{\partial}{\partial w} \sum (y_i - w^T x_i)^2 = 0\)
- \(2(y_i - w^T x_i) \frac{\partial}{\partial w} (y_i - w^T x_i) = 0\)
- Final form?
- \(w = (X^TX)^{-1}X^T Y\)
Linear Regression : via Optimization - VI
Mathematical issues?
- Why should the inverse exist?
- What can we say about the values of w?
Implementation issues?
- How do we invert this matrix?
- Numerical issues?
Linear Regression : via Optimization - VII
Regularizer : Why?
- Some way to control our objective function.
- What can the values of \(w\) be in our answer?
- What does it mean to have really large values?
How do we impose it?
- Requirements : restrict \(w\) somehow
- Add to the loss function?
- What does it mean intuitively?
Linear Regression : via Probability - I
Coming up with a MLE model?
- Consider probability of data
- Maximize this quantity
Model choices?
- How do we choose our likelihood function?
- How do we combine to find probability of data?
Linear Regression : via Probability - II
Review of Gaussian distribution
- \(x \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu, \sigma^2)\)
- Can model any real value
- Extends to higher dimensions as well!
- \(p(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi \sigma^2}} e^{\frac{-1}{2\sigma^2} (x-\mu)^2}\)
Why is this necessary?
- Earlier example used “Bernoulli”
- We wrote down the “probability” of our experiment
- Came to intuitive answer!
Linear Regression : via Probability - III
Model overview
- Assume points generated from a Gaussian
- \(y_i \sim \mathcal{N}(w^Tx_i, \sigma^2)\)
- Why does this make sense?
Writing the likelihood
- \(p(y_i) = ?\)
- \(p(Y) = ?\)
- How to optimize this?
Linear Regression : via Probability - IV
Optimizing the likelihood
- Do we do gradient descent?
- How do we guarantee convexity?
Doing MLE
- We wish to maximize probability of our data being observed
- What is our final solution?
A more complicated regression problem
Matrix Factorization - I
Problem setting
- Movie Recommendations
- Item ratings
Model overview
- Assume we have a giant “matrix” of entries
- This can be “factorized” : \(M = UV^T\)
- If \(M - NxD, U = NxK, V = DxK\)
Matrix Factorization - II
Model interpretation
- \(U : NxK\) what could this be?
- \(V : DxK\) what could this be?
- In context of movies, what do these represent?
Model formation
- How is the rating \(m_{i,j}\) formed?
- Does this make sense intuitively?
Matrix Factorization - III
How do we now solve this?
- Is there some “loss” function we can optimize?
- How do we take care of so many dependencies?
Reducing this to a known problem
- Consider a single movie and all its ratings
- How is this formed?
- Suppose someone told you the “vector” of the movie.
- How can you now solve it?
Matrix Factorization - IV
Taking a look at individual movies
- Denoted by a column, say \(v\)
- Entries in this column?
- How are they generated?
Does this relate to a known problem?
- What happens if we “know” the values of \(U\)?
- What sort of optimization technique does this generate?
- Is a solution guaranteed?
Matrix Factorization - V
Things to consider
- How did we choose \(k\)?
- What are the parameters and hyper-parameters then?
- How can we improve this?
- Can we work with different datasets?
- Movie - user pair, as well as book - user pair?
Concluding Remarks
- How to model a trend using regression.
- Interpretation of regression as a weighted sum
- How to solve a non-trivial optimization problem
- When can an analytical solution be derived?
- Programming tutorial
- Extra class?
- Quiz 1 (hopefully) tonight
- Open to suggestions on kinds of questions?
- Assignment 2 out by weekend